Who can join?
MOMS Club® was created to support women who choose to stay home with their children. Moms of any age can join, whether they stay home or work and regardless of the age of their children! Other caregivers, such as grandparents, dads, aunts, etc. may be able to join on a case-by-case basis.
Who runs the club?
The moms run the club! Everyone has a say in how the club is run, and all issues facing the club are voted on. An Executive Board consisting of a President, Administrative Vice President, Membership Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer is elected each June. The Executive Board handles all the business duties of running the club and handles communications between the chapter and MOMS Club® International.
Can I attend a meeting or activity before I attend?
A prospective member may attend a combination of two of the following events: a general meeting, an open house or a park day. However, they may not vote or participate in activity groups until they pay their dues.
My child has food allergies, will the activities be safe for us?
Our club is peanut free. No peanuts or peanut products are allowed at any MOMS Club® event where children are present. We also ask that members do not offer food to children who are not their own. Ultimately, protecting the child is the parent’s responsibility, but we can all help to make it a little easier. Please contact the board if your child has severe food allergies.
Are there dues?
Members pay annual dues of $20. Members who are unable to pay this amount may apply to have all or some of these dues waived.
Are there any special rules?
We have a set of MOMS Club® Friendly Rules. They are as follows:
1. Please do not bring any sick children to any MOMS Club® function. This includes the following symptoms:
- Fever within the last 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- Runny nose- clear is okay, any other color is not
- Any sign of infection
- Any unexplained rash
- Illness requiring an antibiotic that has not yet been administered for 3 days.
3. Allow each Mom to discipline her own children.
4. If you need to leave the area, ask someone to watch your child(ren). Let your child(ren) know you are leaving and that you will return soon.
5. Be respectful of other parents’ opinions.
6. No smoking at any function.
7. If your child cannot share his/her toy, please do not bring the toys to a function.
8. Please be mindful of the immature immune systems of infants by restraining your child(ren) from handling baby toys or invading their personal space.
9. No snacks that include peanuts or peanut products are allowed at any MOMS Club® function where children are present.