Cookbook Project 2007
In 2007, our chapter (at the time we also had members of what is now the Rio Rancho Cabezon chapter) put together a cookbook which was published and titled Just Like Mama Made. It includes favorite family recipes from almost all of our members, and can be purchased for $8. These cookbooks are full of time-tested recipes and make excellent holiday gifts. Please contact a member of the board if you would like to purchase one. All proceeds from the sale of these cookbooks will be donated to charitable causes that benefit mothers and children in our community.
Newsletter Ads
Our chapter publishes a monthly newsletter which is distributed to our members during the first week of each month. We have an ad page in which we are able to support our moms with home-based businesses by giving them a discounted rate (our members pay $1/month for a business card-sized ad). We also accept ads from businesses in the community that may be of interest to stay-at-home moms (examples: gymnastics gyms, kids’ party rentals, etc.) at a non-member rate of $3/month for a business card-sized ad or $5/quarter page). Please contact if you would like to place an ad in our newsletter.